Saturday, April 21, 2012

Detention Center

Detention centers are unique facilities, designed to meet the needs of a community for half a decade or more. Because it is rare to open a detention center, there is no "standard" or routine business process for showcasing a new detention center. In May, Wake County opened its new Detention Center.

Ahead of the opening Sarah lead a planning team that coordinated both the ceremony and service change communications.

Opening ceremony projects included: invitation lists, invitation and program design and printing, ceremony logistics, remarks for several speakers, media relations and tour organization.

Service change communications included: a news release, media tours, television interview placements, web content and social media, way-finding signage and brochures.

Between 300 and 400 people attended the ceremony, with about 200 taking tours of the secure facility. A video was created to showcase the opening ceremony and new facility on the customer's monthly television show.